Lost city of zed
Lost city of zed

Nevertheless, both Gray and Miller enhance the role of Nina Fawcett by giving her an argumentative personality that constantly clashes with Hunnam’s character over a woman’s place in the workforce. Miller is excellent in her performance as the supportive housewife of Colonel Fawcett. Gray also subtly presents social commentary on gender equality in early 20th-century Britain. Fawcett sees the native peoples as equals and constantly spars with the British court over the labeling of the population as “savages.” Fawcett believes that if he can find concrete evidence for the city’s existence, he can change this pervasive British belief. With colonialism a major theme of the film, it is noteworthy that “The Lost City of Z” presents a British character that regards the indigenous and ancient civilizations of South America in a sympathetic light. Gray adds a rare dimension to his film with Fawcett’s sympathetic view toward the indigenous Amazonian people. Gray presents his central message of the human desire to accumulate knowledge with Colonel Fawcett’s relentless determination to change common British perceptions of the South American population.

lost city of zed

The film succeeds largely due to Gray’s ability to effortlessly convey a multitude of messages to his audience. Supported by his caring wife (Sienna Miller) and loyal companion (Robert Pattinson), Fawcett sets out on his quest and to prove the existence of his lost city. Tenacious in his appeals to prove the existence of the ancient city Z, pronounced as the British “zed,” Fawcett obtains enough funds for two additional expeditions. As Fawcett completes his assigned task and ventures further into the exotic terrain, he discovers remnants of an advanced ancient civilization. Played by Charlie Hunnam (“Sons of Anarchy,” “Pacific Rim”), Colonel Fawcett is sent by the London Archaeological Society to assess the changes to the border between Bolivia and Brazil.

lost city of zed

Set in the first quarter of the 20th century, “The Lost City of Z” follows the true and inspiring story of British Colonel Percival Fawcett’s relentless search for a lost civilization deep within the Amazon jungle. In contrast to many historical action movies, “The Lost City of Z” connects with its audience on an emotional and philosophical level, while still providing nonstop entertainment. In “The Lost City of Z,” director James Gray’s adaptation of the eponymous book is a tremendous depiction of obsession and the drive to find truth in human history.

Lost city of zed